
Anna Atkins

Anna Atkins was a photographer and botanist in the 19th century. She created books on Algae local to Britain and used the Cyanotype photo process to create pictures to accompany her written documentation. She is considered the first person to create/publish a book with photos as well as one of the first female photographers. This is most likely the reason her books start at $375 on Amazon, go figure! 

Found Book


The Atacoma from Acne

I saw these in the window at Acne's store in Soho, and I have loved them ever since. I am not one to go crazy over a new designer shoe every season, or many deisgner shoes, period, but these are just so great. Who would mess with you in these? You could do some real damage if someone ever tried! I also love Acne's use of the fat-face in their logo, which is printed beautifully (and largely) on their shopping bags:


My New Tablecloth!

Or, My New Wall Hanging! designed by Iiro Ahokas of Marimekko, circa 2009.

The Descendents

My favorite song of theirs, from the All tour. Good Times! "I Don't Wanna Grow Up" has been on repeat due to the coming of my birthday, so appropriate.


Marimekko's clothing line.

this is what i want the majority of my closet to look like, throw in a couple of band t-shirts and some pants, and its pretty much aces.


This Daisy Chandelier

Babies get all the good stuff and they don't even realize it! from charley harper, bruno munari, and paul rand children's books to this rad chandelier, kids don't even get how good they have it right now design-wise and they will probably just rebel against it later on only to discover it again once they grow up. This is maybe why I end up with Ikea kid's section picking out new furniture, I am either regressing or just jealous.


"El Spmet", acrylic on canvas, 2009.

a nice use of type, He has a really great graphic quality that feels new and familiar at the same time.


The Dead Kennedys

Just watched "The Dead Kennedys: The Early Years Live", so good, Jello is insane onstage in the best way possible.


Old Neil Young photographs

one of my favorite people/artists/moments in time.


My photo